Thursday 28 July 2016

No.1 Thesis & Dissertation Writing Service

No.1 Thesis & Dissertation Writing Service

Dissertation (All Chapters)

Dissertation is a form of extensive writing done by students especially in their final years of the course work. Mainly, a dissertation is done on a topic chosen by students themselves. A student writing a dissertation is required to come up with a topic of choice, do an extensive research on the same and write extensively on the research and findings.

A dissertation paper has several chapters put together. These dissertation chapters are put down in a chronological writing. All the chapters should hence flow in to each other. All the chapters of a dissertation paper are very vital, and none of these should be omitted. In a dissertation paper, the standardized structure involves several chapters.

The format has an abstract, which is a research summary. Our writers ensure to come up with a short and well established summary of the paper. After the abstract, our writers ensure to put down an introduction that catches the attention of the readers and keep them interested to read the entire research.

Our writers then review the literature, and put with citation and quotations all the works borrowed. This ensures that we provide you with non-plagiarized work. While writing the methodology chapter, thoroughly outline any research method we shall use in your paper. The analysis will form the body of the dissertation paper, where we write in details all the findings we came across. In the conclusion, our writers will summarize the dissertation in a short precise paragraph, followed by our proposal. We then proof read, edit and format the paper as per instructions provided by the students.

While writing all the dissertation chapters, our professional writers ensure non-plagiarized work with each of these chapters. We ensure to also follow the standardized structure of a dissertation paper. Our writers will put together the dissertation chapters with well researched content and supportive findings.



The abstract is one of the most important chapters in the dissertation paper. This is because it is meant to catch the reader’s attention and hold it throughout the paper. Our professional writers are well aware of these, and hence, come up with the best abstracts. We provide our students with short but well informing abstracts. We ensure not to use technical jargons in the abstract writing, as it may dispel the interest of the reader. We also summarize the research paper in short and easy to understand terms.

An abstract is a short summary of the dissertation, put down in a few precise paragraphs explaining the research paper. An abstract should be written in short paragraphs, and should be able to capture the entire explanation of the intentions for the research, the research methods and the expected or speculated results. Each abstract is different depending on the topic of study. We offer customized abstract writing depending on the instructions by the students and also, the study scope to be included.

An abstract is important since it helps to introduce the dissertation. However, an abstract is slightly different form the introduction chapter of a dissertation. This sis because abstracts give a general outline, while the introduction seeks to explain this outlines. Hence, a dissertation introduction expounds on the abstract.

Our writers understand that the purpose of the abstract is to summarize the entire intentions of the research and not to introduce. With this knowledge, we offer very clear summaries, with outlined intentions and speculated results of the research. This differentiates the abstracts from the introductions.

While doing an abstract, our professional writers go to great lengths to ensure that they put together a summary that also shows the results on the research. Most people leave out this vital information, making their abstracts appear very similar to introductions. Here, we take great care to thoroughly explain your dissertation, and the types of researches you carried out. We also give the results at the end of the abstract. We also ensure to include the literature review, methodologies, results and conclusion in the abstract.


The introduction I like a further explanation of the abstract. Our readers provide easy to understand paragraphs that explain the dissertation and sate the paper details. Our writers also ensure that the introduction is short but carries all the details required. A dissertation introduction helps in letting the reader know what you are researching on, your expectations and research methods.

A dissertation introduction can be referred to as a vital element off the entire paper. This is because, the introduction helps to catch and maintain the attention of the reader. A marking bench committee can for example gain or lose interest in the entire dissertation paper, judging by your introduction. It therefore is an element that requires much expertise in order to earn the attention of the reader, and create interest in them to go through the entire work presented.

Unlike the abstract, the dissertation introduction is much more extensive. While an abstract is a summary, the introduction is an explanation. Having in mind these great requirements of writing a dissertation introduction, we offer the best services. We provide writers who understand how to clearly put down the objectives of the dissertation.

In doing this, we identify related objectives that your case study may mean to achieve, and also ensure to add value to the dissertation, by explaining how your objectives will add value to other previously done researches in the same field. We give clear explanations on how you will achieve these objectives, for example stating any methods of research you intend to apply.

Our team also ensures to clear state a well-balanced hypothesis. Hypothesis will assist you and guide you while writing the entire dissertation, since it clearly outlines what you intend to do. The hypothesis we offer can be in query or statement form. Our dissertation introductions will also explain the study limits and ensure to abide to the stated scope.



We greatly understand the need to state the research methods you intend to employ in your dissertation. Hence, we come up with very well stated methodologies, and state any of the research methods we applied during the whole research process. This will help you to be able to defend your dissertation project during presentation.

Methodology is the explanation given to show what processes, equipment, or research materials were used to conduct the entire research. A methodology should therefore state in a clear way any of the research processes you will apply in the research.

We have several methodologies that are generally applied in dissertation researches. We write the methodology in relation to the specific method of research we apply in any particular dissertation. Some of the dissertation methodologies include:
Lab tests – This applies mainly in the scientific research papers. Here we show the equipment used in the lab to carry out a tests. We also show the tests process as part of the literature review.
Equipment – In case a dissertation will use any equipment in the process of the research, we ensure to list such equipment as part of the dissertation methodology chapter.
Material – In dissertation paper writing, one reads through previous researches done in the same scope as the one they are writing on. In such a case, we write and list down any of the materials we used while writing the dissertation. This will ensure that we offer you non-plagiarized dissertation, since it is well referenced. Other materials that may be part of the dissertation research would be questionnaires and interviews. This will also be well stated in the methodology chapter if applied in the research.

Our methodologies also offer a since of direction of the dissertation, by pointing out what the intention of a certain methodology was. Showing what one seeks to achieve helps one to be able to flow chronologically in to the body of the dissertation


This being the bit that carries the most important information of the dissertation, our writers greatly concentrate in coming up with the best body. We write short and easy to understand paragraphs, and extensively discuss our findings.

The analysis or discussion chapter is the largest part of the dissertation paper. This chapter forms the body of the dissertation. It is therefore important for one to put together comprehensible paragraphs that will outline all the findings in the study.

When handling your dissertation paper, we apply several important rules while writing the dissertation analysis chapter. We ensure to write a body with several short paragraphs. This will ensure that the contents of the dissertation will not lose the interest of the reader. We also ensure to avoid use of heavy technical words, which may hinder the understanding on what you are researching or writing about. Our rule is to keep it short, precise but well understandable.

A dissertation analysis or discussion should follow the right formatting. By offering you the best qualified writers, we ensure that your formatting instructions are followed to the later. These include text formats, size and alignment, paragraph, titles and sub headings formats, and fonts.

Referencing of the body is also very vital in the dissertation writing. With our services, we help you cite and quote any borrowed work.

This will ensure no plagiarism is in your work. The analysis/ discussion carries and explains most of the research work and its finding, which will use content from other researchers, books, journals, videos or research materials. We help you cite each of these using the instructed citation formats.

While writing the findings, our writers will come up with thoroughly explained paragraphs, with the research and findings presented. We ensure to put paragraphs that flow well in to each other, to avoid breakage of thoughts or information.


Our writers are able to come up with short and precise conclusions that sum up the entire dissertation.

Our management believes that all effort should be geared towards satisfying customers. A company that does not satisfy its customers and does not give customer satisfaction has no going concern. Our existence is because of your satisfaction. If we cannot serve you well then we are not worthy to write your dissertation.

When clients orders services from us, we request our experts to review and advice if the work can be delivered within the stated time. If not possible to handle the work within the stipulated time, we inform the client within the shortest time possible. We believe this is a more honest thing to do than submitting late work.

The customer extends the deadline or looks for an alternative. However, we try our best to handle all the orders placed on our website and within the deadline stipulated. Any activity that does not enhance our customer service is denied a priority in our company.

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Dissertation – Conclusion Writing Service

A conclusion chapter is always written as a summary at the end of the analysis as a summary of the discussion. A conclusion is meant to draw all the points discussed in to a final view.

One should note not to put just summaries of the entire dissertation discussion as summary. This is because the summary or conclusion is meant to guide on your results, and the decision they have helped you make.

Most times, many writers use repetitive summaries as conclusions, costing a student marks. Here, we ensure to customize the conclusion in a way to show that we are drawing a final drawing or decision on the research and findings presented. We offer short precise sentences in the conclusion. We also ensure to put a recommendation on the same topic of discussion. This will clearly show what you recommend as a solution to the discussed problem. Our recommendations are written and left in an open and suggestive manner, to show that they are recommendations but not the final solutions, hence, can be altered.

A conclusion should also follow specified formats. We offer you the best writers who have dealt with dissertation writing for long. They ensure to format your dissertation paper conclusion as per the provided instructions.

We ensure to keep your dissertation conclusion connected to the entire paper, rather than a standalone paragraph. This brings consistency in the entire dissertation, and ensures to link the last part to the body. Having consistency will help a reader have easy an easy flowing reading.



No.1 Thesis & Dissertation Writing Service