Thursday 2 June 2016

Free Finance and Accounting Dissertation Topics

Free Finance and Accounting Dissertation Topics

A researcher must know two important things before the selection of research/thesis topic. The researcher must know the sources of data collection and the type of statistical technique used in the analysis. Many a times, it is seen that students submit the research topics without having clear idea about the sources of data collection and the appropriate statistical technique for the analysis. Such students face terrible issues once they start working on the project. Therefore, students must be careful while submitting the final topic. A list of important topics of research on finance is provided to help the students in selecting their research/thesis topics.

  1. Impact of privatization on non-performing loans of banks in (country name)

  2. Risk assessment and decision making in business and industry

  3. Impact of awareness on the choice of short-term financing (A case study of yarn merchants)

  4. Impact of privatization on profitability & capital employment of stated owned enterprises in (country name)

  5. Enterprise risk management (an essential process for sustainable profit and growth)

  6. Audit fee expense and size of the company in (country name)

  7. Determinants of capital structure in cement industry of (country name)

  8. Impact of gross loan portfolio on microfinance value saving comparison between microfinance institutions and microfinance banks

  9. Impact of interest rate on stock market

  10. A study based on the effects of interest rate on share price

  11. Comparison of micro finance institutions, micro-finance banks and micro finance institutions and development of entrepreneurial skills

  12. Empowering women though microfinance

  13. Banking and currency crisis causality from banks crises to currency crises

  14. Patronage factors of Islamic banking system in (country name)

  15. Analysis of profitability of banks: comparative study of domestic & foreign banks in (country name)

  16. Financial exclusion: market versus self-driven causes

  17. A study on the inhibitions experienced by existing and non-existing users towards online banking in (country name)

  18. Correlation study between measures of financial performance of banks in (country name)

  19. Comparative study of credit scoring methods between local and foreign banks of (country name)

  20. Market interest rate and commercial bank profitability in (country name)

  21. Determinants of corporate dividend payout policy

  22. Effects of free cash flow on profitability of firms

  23. Fundamentals and stock return: Empirical study of cement industry in (country name)

  24. Relationship between stock prices and rupee dollar parity in (country name)

  25. The relation of credit risk rating with financial ratios in (country name)

  26. Factor influencing individual investor behavior: the case of the stock exchange (e.g. New York Stock Exchange)

  27. Determinant of dividend payout ratio: A study of fertilizer sector

  28. Fundamentals and stock returns in (country name)

  29. The differential impact of Islamic banking on car loans and house financing through banks in (country name)

  30. A study on relationship between stock market development and economic growth in (country name)

  31. Effects of mergers and acquisition in banking sector of (country name)

  32. Impact of privatization of banks on profitability

  33. The impact of interest rate risk on the profitability of Islamic and conventional banks

  34. Relationship between cash flow and capital spending in pharmaceutical industry of (country name)

  35. Effect of fund size on mutual fund performance

  36. Comparison of financial performance in banking sector

  37. Determinants of capital structure: A study of sugar and allied sector of (country name)

  38. Can risk aversion indicator anticipate financial crises

  39. Cash flow and capital spending relationship: evidence from automobile sector

  40. Targeting consumer segment: A sustainable growth for mutual funds

  41. Relating risk factors with contemporary distribution channels

  42. Impact of privatization on profitability and efficiency of banks in (country name)

  43. Money supply chain and stock prices

  44. A comparative study between micro-finance banks, micro-finance institutions and rural support programs in creating self-employment in (country name)

  45. Validating of CAPM in predicting stock prices at stock exchange (e.g. New York Stock Exchange)

  46. Fundamental variables and stock return: evidence from sugar and allied sector of (country name)

  47. Which is better indicator of stock returns? Sales price, debt equity, book market or firm size

  48. Mutual fund characteristics and its performance in (country name)

  49. Debt and equity choice for funds

  50. Capital investment and stock return

  51. To study the relationship between price earning ratio and return on investment

  52. A test of price earning ratio to predict future growths

  53. Factors affect on the dividend payout ratio

  54. To study relationship between price earning ratio and growth

  55. Relationship between market factors and stock returns of sugar and allied industries of (country name)

  56. To investigate the association between dividend change and company’s earning in chemical industry of (country name)

  57. Determinants of capital structure in automobile sector of (country name)

  58. Fund size and indicator of performance measurement for fixed income mutual fund

  59. Factors that lead to investment in mutual funds

  60. Predicting stock price via dividend discount model a study over cement sector

  61. Impact of macro-economic variables on stock sector of (country name)

  62. Performance evaluation of mutual funds in (country name)

  63. Comparison between sales price, debt-equity and book market value of equity in analyzing stock returns

  64. Relationship between cash flow and investment spending in textile industry

  65. A test of price earning ratio to predict growth

  66. Effects of free cash flow on investment of firms

  67. An empirical analysis of long-run performance of IPO’s in (country name)

  68. Financial leverage and investment policy

  69. Composition of board of directors and its impact on firm’s performance

  70. Impact of taxation on firm’s dividend payout/ratio

  71. Customer satisfaction in Ijara financing

  72. Impact of acquisitions and mergers on firm performance in FMCG sectors

  73. Share price volatility explicated by fundamental

  74. Stock price and economic variables (interest rate, inflation and GDP)

  75. Determinants of P/E ratio

  76. Impact of capital structure on profitability

  77. Impact of interest rate changes on banks’ profitability

  78. Relationships of stock market returns and rate of inflation

  79. Dividend policy and stock price volatility

  80. Determinants of capital structure in case of pharmaceutical sector

  81. The impact of leverage on stock return

  82. Fundamentals that predict the mutual fund performance: case of (country name)

  83. Effect of different characteristics that leads to mergers and acquisitions

  84. Factors effecting leverage in textile industry of (country name)

  85. Effects of liquidity crisis on bank’s profitability

  86. Relationship between free cash flows and investment in cement sector of (country name)

  87. Impact of working capital on firm’s profitability: study of textile sector of (country name)

  88. The relationship between corporate strategy and capital structure

  89. Assessing the profitability determinants of Islamic banking in (country name)

  90. Turnover as predictor of inflation

  91. Impact of dividend on investment decision

  92. Relationship between Assets and Liabilities in balance sheet

  93. Impact of fiscal policy on economy of (country name)

  94. Determinants of bond market capitalization in (country name)

  95. Relationship between CPI and bond price

  96. Determinants of capital structure in chemical industry in (country name)

  97. Determinants of financial development

  98. Impact of privatization on telecom

  99. Impact of corporate social responsibility on firm’s financial performance

Free Finance and Accounting Dissertation Topics