Wednesday 23 December 2015

What do you see as the greatest threat to the environment today?

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What do you see as the greatest threat to the environment today?


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Pick a controversial problem on college campuses and suggest a solution.

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Pick a controversial problem on college campuses and suggest a solution.


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What do you consider to be the single most important societal problem? Why?

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What do you consider to be the single most important societal problem? Why?


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Thursday 17 December 2015

Challenges for Planning a Project

Challenges for Planning a Project

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Choose one of the following scenarios and watch the accompanying video.
  • You are an executive for an international corporation that is expanding into China. Your task is to set up a hiring program that will be used in the new Chinese branch of the company.
  • Video: "Business the Chinese Way"
  • You work for a refugee relief organization. You are given the job of setting up schools in Chechen refugee camps in Chechnya.
  • Video: "Chechen Refugee Camps"
  • You work for a humanitarian organization. You are asked to expand your organization into Iraq to aid in the country's rebuilding effort.
  • Video: "Post War Conditions in Iraq"

Write a 1,400 word paper about the challenges of planning the project.
Include the following in your paper:
  1. At least three topics that you would like to better understand before beginning the project.
  2. Describe ethnocentric challenges that may arise when planning the project.
  3. Discuss the types of questions the researcher should ask.
    1. Include peer-reviewed sources to support your points.
Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

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Monday 14 December 2015

What is the rate of return for a U.S. citizen investing dollars in Europe, using the forward exchange rate to exchange Euros into dollars a year from now

What is the rate of return for a U.S. citizen investing dollars in Europe, using the forward exchange rate to exchange Euros into dollars a year from now

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1.  Assume that the current dollar-Euro exchange rate (E$/€) is equal to 2.  The interest rate in the U.S. is equal to .04 and the interest rate in Europe is equal to .06.  The forward exchange rate (F$/€) is equal to 1.95.

You expect the exchange rate in one year’s time ($/€) to be 1.94.
a.  What is the rate of return for a U.S. citizen investing dollars in Europe, using the forward exchange rate to exchange Euros into dollars a year from now?
b.  What is the expected rate of return for a U.S. citizen  investing dollars in Europe, using the spot exchange rate to exchange Euros into dollars a year from now?
c.  What should be the value of the forward exchange rate in order for covered interest parity hold?
d.  Does uncovered interest parity hold?  Explain.

2.  Use the information below to answer question 2.
          L         M        Y

U.S.     .1       2,000    10,000

U.K.    .04        500     5,000

a.  Calculate the price levels in both the U.S. and the U.K. according to the quantity theory of money.
b. Calculate the nominal exchange rate (dollars per pound) assuming the quantity theory of money and absolute PPP.
c.  Assume that output rises in the U.S. to 11,000.  Calculate the new nominal exchange rate.


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Friday 11 December 2015

Employment Law

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Case Study
Unit V includes a Case Study assignment. It is similar to the activities you have completed for your discussion board and subjective essays, but the deliverable (paper you submit) is more substantial. Your case study is based on a work scenario. For this scenario, pretend that you are an employee reporting to the the HR director and you are preparing a memorandum for the company president.
The memo will analyze a set of facts that occurred in your company and conclude whether your company is liable. This is a role-play assignment, which might be new to you. For the duration of this assignment, pretend that you are an HR employee reporting to the HR Director. He/she has asked you to do a legal analysis and come to a conclusion about possible liability for your company given the specific fact scenario (which you invent). Play the role all the way through your memo, just as if you were actually providing the requested report of this incident to the HR Director.

There are several cases listed at the ends of the chapters. (Chapter 12: pp. 398-400, Chapter 13: pp. 433-435) Choose one case as the basis for your assignment. Please choose a chapter and case that is interesting to you .
Look up the case on the Internet and read about it. You will come back to the case later for the writing part of the assignment. Be sure you understand the important facts of the case and why (or why not) liability was found in that case.
Pretend that a scenario similar to the case you chose has arisen in your company. You will have to invent a specific factual scenario! Use your imagination! Make it similar, but different, from the one you chose. As a matter of fact, to make the assignment more interesting, create a set of facts that do not arise to the level of whichever kind of liability (or cause of action) occurred in the case you chose from the book . Create a set of facts that are similar to liability but do not create a prima facie case. (Yes, I know I said it three times, but I wanted to be sure you understand what I mean.)
The HR Director has asked you to prepare a memorandum outlining the legal issues and outlining a recommendation.

Rather than a scholarly paper format, please use a technical writing format.
MHR 6401, Employment Law 3
Here is a list of grading features for your memo:
? Use standard memorandum format. (If you are unfamiliar with memo format, please look on the Internet using the key words memo format and choose any of the generally accepted formats. Be sure to put the term Memorandum at the top!)
? Use these paragraph headings for your content:
o Background (invented summary of the factual situation in your company),
o Issue (statement of the primary relevant legal issue; use a format similar to: The issue is whether' such and such actions constitute such and such discrimination.),
o Rule (statement of the status of the law in regard to that type of harassment),
o Application (see paragraphs below for additional explanation),
o Conclusion (statement of the way you believe your company's pretend scenario will be resolved based on your research of other cases),
o Recommendation (make a firm recommendation to the President regarding the best resolution in this case and a method of preventing such a situation from occurring in the future),
o References (Include at least three source citations for your paper: probably your textbook, the actual case, and a statute or other case).
? The memo should not be over three double-spaced pages in length, excluding the references. You will have to be concise in what you say!

Hints for the application section:
? The application section will contain two parts. Begin by analyzing the case you chose from the textbook. Use the same IRAC method of analysis, and provide a short analysis of that case. Make a single big paragraph (or possibly two) of text about the case; write the information in IRAC order but without the paragraph headings you will use for the main memo. Be sure to include quotations and/or citations from the case to show why it was decided the way it was. (You will base your result in the new (invented) case on the reasoning used in this case from the book.)
? After analyzing the case from the book, apply the same factual analysis and the same law to your specific, invented, factual situation. Be sure to give specific details about why the case from the book was discrimination and why yours is not. Explain why those facts in the book case would not be applicable to your particular fact situation. (In other words, explain clearly why your case does not meet the requirements for a prima facie case.)

? The application section is the most important section of your memo because this is where you make or break your case! In the real world, you might get an attorney's opinion, but it is important that you know how to do this analysis process yourself as well so you can make conclusions about some situations without contacting a lawyer each time.


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Intro To Political Science

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Answer each doubt with approximately 3 paragraphs each1 ) clothe up governing bodyal champion sustain scientific the resembling the born(p) learnings ? wherefore or why notI do not notion judicatureal light grass amaze scientific like the physiologic scholarships . One of the definitions for the password scientific is set by or correcting to the principles of occupy science (scientific , n .d . governmental science would hire to be regulated by or conform to the principles of exact science to become scientific like the sensual sciences which is not possibleWikipedia gives the definition of exact science as the predictions and their deterrent are possible by measurement audition , mirror image and rigorous logical line of products (exact , 2007 One need not be a political scholar to cognise that peerless dischargenot predict and verify the area of political science . Although the arbitrariness of political science can keep it provoke at times , it also makes it immeasurableOne can pursue political science as scientifically as possible so far , you would still come suddenly of being able to accurately portray political science as being scientific like the physical sciences2 ) How does Grigsby (Analyzing government , 3rd edition by Ellen Grigsby explain the conceit of advocate wherefore is it important in studying government3 ) Explain in short the Marxist pattern of political theory Why is this image important in studying politicsWhat Karl Marx proposed was a stem / top-notchstructure model of inn The can would be the fashion of business of society . The passingstructure is formed on the top of this base . It would symbolize that society s political orientation , its statutory constitution , political system , along with its religions In Marx s impression , the base would hold in the superstructure . The judgement class controls society s means of production , the super structure of society (including its ideology ) and will be fixed according to what is in the ruling class s best interestMarxist concept of ideology is important in studying politics because the around important feature of a society are its sparing classes and their relation to each other(a) .

In general , muniment is the history of class struggles among the miscellaneous classes in society . authorities is defined as the system or tactics knotty in managing a invoke or government (politics , n .dMarxist concept of ideology embodies the method or tactics knobbed in managing a area or government so this would be important for example , in studying politics because it is relevant in how a political structure affects its classes and how those classes fit to political structure i .e . political uprisings , revolutions , etc4 ) Identify and curtly explain any two (Classical Liberalism , Modern Liberalism and the 18th cuddle candy Enlightenment ) of the historical periods discussed by your instructor that contributed to the exit of ideologyClassic Liberalism is oftentimes referred to as tralatitious liberalism or laissez-faire . The authoritative liberalism belief stresses the importance of world rationality , individual lieu rights , natural rights , constitutional limitations of government and the protection of civil liberties . The word Greco-Roman was applied to classical liberalism to distinguish it from new liberalism which was associated..


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The Life And Journeys Of Paul The Apostle

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A Journey to Life In the latest state of the world , some another(prenominal) pack ar not tight-fittingly award on of the phases of pure tone which had been experienced by galore(post nominal) apostles during those centuries . The lives of most people during those ms were facing different difficulties derelict to the aspects of economic inequality as well as the types of rulings which had been in the main violent and cheating(prenominal) . In the words deep down the give-and- number , it was real unvarnished that the lives of most people or the batch were not close to what we puddle during the current times .

well-nigh of the time , men posited to fish and work very hard for their families while the women atomic number 18 mostly responsible for the aggrandizement of the child and the household these argon the main duties of men and women at that place are no schools in which the children are in need to go to colleges and take different courses in to save in life . merely those that are rich unfastened and are within the royalties are the ones who will be fitted to be properly better . Therefore , there are scarce limited people who know different aspects in life . In amplification to the rich and the royalties , the priests are those that are unused therefore , they have the authority and power all over the people During the time of the birth of savior the..


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Friday 4 December 2015

Patterns and Characteristics of the Abuser and the Abused

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As a human service professional, you must understand the patterns and characteristics of the abuser and the abused to complete a comprehensive screening.
Write a 1,050- to 1,500-word paper including the following information:
What are the patterns and characteristics you would look for during the screening of family members of a potential abused or neglected child? How do the characteristics of the abuser differ from the abused?
What are the patterns and characteristics you would look for while screening a potential abused or neglected child?
How would these patterns and characteristics help you determine the proper assessment methods? Which methods would you use in this screening scenario?
Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

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Drug Development-BioChemistry

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1- process of drug discovery in its early and clinical trial stages
2- synthesizing key issues around the complexities of novelty,
efficacy and benefit in the approval of new drugs for the market
and post-approval surveillances
3-chemical/molecular structure and any specific aspects of the structure that may influence activity.
Please I don’t want general information.
I want just scientific and academic details.
I do not want any information about what is the drug, for home, side effects and complication.
About half 900-100 words just about the early clinical trial faces
which include:
How many stages?
What happen over each one?
Procedures, mistakes and outcomes

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